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Kyle Hall Chats with Justin Carter

Last week, Justin called Kyle Hall in advance of New Year’s Eve. They talked Detroit, getting older, cassette tapes, and making new music. The conversation begins (abruptly, due to a snafu with Justin’s recorder) with Kyle explaining a new project he’s working Ben Christianson, a gent from a band called Lord Scrummage. Below is the full chat.

photo by David Ferino via Resident Advisor

Talking About A New Year: DJ Qu

A couple weeks ago, when we were putting the final touches on our New Year’s Eve party, we realized that we had an open slot to fill. We thought for a few seconds… and very quickly Eamon and I agreed that DJ Qu was the perfect person to do it. Part of the crop of producers and jocks who’ve popped up alongside Jus-Ed in the recent past (count among that group Levon Vincent, Fred P and Anthony Parasole), Qu is probably our favorite of the bunch, releasing music that has a certain… how do you say… well, we’ll let him explain it.

Here is a mix he’s given us to get you in the mood and a few questions and answers that we passed back and forth yesterday.

Justin Carter: Much of the attention you’ve received for your label, Strength Music, and as a producer has been connected to Levon Vincent, Jus-Ed and Fred P. While there are many things that give you common ground, what do you think are the things that make you unique within that circle?

DJ Qu: I must say that I haven’t really given it much thought. The only thing I can say is that no one in the crew sounds alike. Each of us have our own unique sound, and I think that’s what makes each of us unique. The way I approach my music is totally different from Ed, Levon or Fred and vice-versa.

JC: This brings up a couple questions for me. First, I wasn’t sure whether the connection between you guys was just a convenient angle that writers piled onto or if it was something that you guys actually feel exits between you. Can you tell me how it is that you guys are connected, in practical ways and musically? Continue reading “Talking About A New Year: DJ Qu”

The Perfect Party: Resident Advisor Talks To Us

A few months ago, I got an email from Lee Smith, a writer for Resident Advisor, asking me about the ins and outs of throwing parties. The resulting article is up on RA now. It’s a good read, and you should definitely check it out. I thought it’d be interesting to post all the questions and answers that we exchanged as a supplement to the article. The Q&A is below the jump.
Continue reading “The Perfect Party: Resident Advisor Talks To Us”

System By Shorty

That, up there, is one fourth of the soundsystem we’re using at the party this weekend. Organized for us by production and DJ duo Bad Decision, the system was designed by a gent named Shorty, who designed and installed the sound rig at a place called Stereo in Montreal (a system that Francois K is rumored to have said is the best he’s played on since the Paradise Garage).

Shorty put in time at the original Sound Factory and maintained the system at Twilo – a club with a now legendary system – for years. We caught up with him a little bit to talk about back then and right now. This is what he had to say…

Continue reading “System By Shorty”

Burneverything: Mister Saturday Light

These are the shapes of Mister Saturday Night: pulsing orbs, trembling waves and that blissful moon rising overhead. The rhythmic projections that illuminate the dance floor emanate from the mind – and MacBook – of a gent named Sam. Despite his general preference to shine lights rather than stand in them, we felt it was only right to offer up a proper introduction to Mister Saturday Light.

Mister Saturday Night: Name and known aliases?

Sam: Sam. Sam Burneverything. And more rarely – Lord Eye Licker: Hunter of the Mythical Florescent Brown.

MSN: Place of origin?

S: Yorkshire, England then a long time in Liverpool, where we started an art and design studio called burneverything. Now here in New York.

MSN: How do you view your role at Mister Saturday?

S: I think my role is to complement the music and hopefully enhance the experience. Mister Saturday Night is always a great party – hopefully I can add another dynamic through the light shows. Continue reading “Burneverything: Mister Saturday Light”