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Mixes From Sundays Past

We recorded a lot of mixes of our guests playing at Sunday Best over the years. There’s also a few from Eamon and Justin and one in particular of them playing back-to-back at the last Sunday Best party ever.

Here they all are. A real treasure trove. We hope they whet your appetite for Mister Sunday kicking off on May 29th. Don’t download them all at once!

Alex from Tokyo, Dam Funk, Danny Wang, Eamon Harkin (another one here), Fred P, I:Cube, Joakim, John Daly, Jus Ed (part 1) and (part 2), Justin Carter, Justus Kohncke, Kyle Hall, Michael Mayer, Mister Saturday Night (Eamon & Justin, together as one), Motor City Drum Ensemble, Move D, Mr Scruff, Optimo, Quentin Harris, Riton, Roy Davis Jr, Rub N Tug, Stefan Goldman, Tim Sweeney, Trus’me and The Wurst DJs (My Cousin Roy, Runaway and Doug Lee)

Eamon and Justin Select for Juno Plus

Always willing to open up their bags and let folks take a look, Eamon and Justin talked to Juno Plus this week about what’s in their bag leading up to the weekend’s gigs. Have a look.

Mixes from Mister Saturday Night & Optimo

About a month ago we closed out the summer at our sister party Sunday Best with two of the most memorable parties of the year. The first of the two saw our friends Optimo play a blinding set which has been the source of many an excitable conversation around these parts since.

Then, the week after, a large and enthusiastic crowd came out to see Justin and Eamon playing back to back as ‘Mister Saturday Night’ and take the series home alongside sets from Sunday Best’s third resident Doug Singer. And so here, with much pleasure, we provide both sets for your downloading pleasure.

Optimo Live from Sunday Best on August 29, 2010
Mister Saturday Night Live from Sunday Best on September 5, 2010

[first photo by Jess Erickson, second photo by ???]

Dreams Coming True Tonight

When I was 13, I listened mostly to the radio. Entering the eighth grade, I became friends with a group of kids whose older brothers were going to UNC Chapel Hill, a beacon of indie rock then and now. Because of the college town’s stalwart venue Cat’s Cradle and labels like Merge, kids leaving little towns in the south like mine could get exposed to high-quality music and in turn send it back home for the younger ears to feed on.

Pavement was the first thing to catch my ear in those roundabout dispatches, my main entry point to indie rock and non-commercial music in general. Their music was immediately accessible, full of hooks but with a spirit that wasn’t definable. I spent the next six years memorizing their absurd lyrics and trying, unsuccessfully to see them live, unbelievably bummed when I found out (as an intern at their home label, Matador Records, no less) that they were breaking up. I’d missed my chance to see my favorite band live.

But now, more than ten years later, I’ve got tickets in hand to go and see them with Eamon and our friend and MSN blog writer Eli Dvorkin tonight in Central Park, and from all reports they’re as good as they ever were back then. If you don’t have tickets, it’s beyond easy to get one even though they’re sold out. People were supposedly selling them outside the venue for half of face value, and they’re up on Craigslist for super cheap. And if you can’t go tonight, fear not! They’re playing tomorrow and Friday.

picture from last night’s show via Brooklyn Vegan


A little less than a month ago, our buddies from The Danger gave us a call. “We’re thinking of throwing a big, big party. Do you guys want to play and help us put together the bill?”

Of course we wouldn’t turn them down. The Danger has a history of throwing some of the biggest, most out-of-control spectacles we’ve ever seen; and we always love to be a part. Continue reading “Danger!”