In our opinion Resident Advisor has raised the game over the past few years when it comes to providing intelligent, interesting & insightful views on dance and electronic music culture. There’s too may sites and magazines out there which perpetuate the dumbed down, commercialized, hedonistic cliche of club culture to the detriment of the positive yet often overlooked aspects of fostering community and the creation of culturally relevant and exciting music. It’s for these reasons that we’re happy to add a little weight behind their RA X event happening in NY on August 20th to celebrate 10 years in the game. We’re playing in Philly that night, so we won’t be there, but if we were in town, this is where we would be. They have a great line up including one of our favorite artists Peven Everett.

Happy Birthday, RA. Here’s to another 10 strong years! Full details of the event can be found here.

No Time To Snooze

Todd Terje’s Snooze 4 Love, on the wonderful Running Back records, has become a bit of a Mister Sunday anthem already this summer. The shimmering synths and deep driving rhythm is the perfect soundtrack to that time when dusk settles at the Grove, the disco ball starts to twirl and the magic descends.

This Sunday the man himself joins Eamon & Justin for what is certain to be a special day. Don’t snooze on this one.

The Camel Walk

I played a special edit of this, my favorite James Brown jam, on Sunday and it sounded great. This footage is pure showmanship.

Everybody’s Gotta Live

I’d been singing this song to myself all week and couldn’t wait to play it at the end of this past Sunday’s set. A beautiful version of Arthur Lee’s already beautiful song, “Everybody’s Gotta Live”. Enjoy it! I’ll have a hard time not playing it again soon.

A Certain Ambience: Auditorium

We spend most of our time trying to find music to make you move. Tonight, though, we’ll be kicking back to enjoy some music that’s basically meant for hanging out. Auditorium is an ambient music showcase, piping the sounds of everything from cellos to handmade feedback devices through an eight-channel, surround sound system to create a certain je ne sais quoi in the room.