The King of Limbs

New Radiohead… Of course I’ve already ordered the ten-inch box set.

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RIP John Barry

One of our favorites from the master of the sound track who sadly passed away yesterday. May he rest in a heaven filled with Bond girls and luscious orchestral tones.

Hand Covers Bruise

I don’t get to see as many movies as I’d like. In fact I tend to only catch up on trans-Atlantic flights which is a very unsatisfactory way to watch a good film.

I was able to catch The Social Network on a trip back from London recently and apart from being an excellent watch in it’s own right I was struck by how amazing the Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross score was. It perfectly captured the mood of the movie, accentuating the seeping, hypnotic unease of the unfolding events. It’s a great example of a soundtrack actively contributing to the message being conveyed rather than being the usual after thought of the producers. And standing on its own it’s a great record. You can grab the full soundtrack for five bucks digitally on Amazon at a reasonable bit rate. Sadly there doesn’t seem to be a vinyl release. Still highly recommended, though.

What We’re Doing This Evening

We’re very excited about the new Algo Rhythm series beginning tonight. Frequent attendees of the Mister, the gents putting this on are doing their own loft party with on-point bookings. Madteo, a local mega-digger and left-field producer, is opening up the evening, which is a rare treat; and Marcellus Pittman, the only Chair of the Three that hasn’t played with Eamon and Justin, is topping the bill.

For location information, email