Okay, so first thing’s first. Our party was a victim of an official shut down over the weekend. We take as many precautions as we can to make sure this kind of thing doesn’t happen, but sometimes it’s the way it goes. It’s the nature of nightlife. Many thanks to everyone at Nublu, who made room for our guest, Henrik Schwarz, on an already full bill; and many thanks go to you for being troopers, jumping from borough to borough, standing on line, and braving the heat. We know the circumstances weren’t ideal, but we appreciate you sticking through. You helped us turn something unfortunate into a great night. Continue reading “Onward and Upward”
Author: Justin Carter
Making Laptops Fun: Henrik Schwarz
Most of the time, we don’t like laptops making their way into Mister Saturday Night. But there are exceptions to any rule, and this weekend’s guest set by Henrik Schwarz is definitely one of them. We caught up with the excellent producer and laptop freaker in advance of his set alongside Justin and Eamon this weekend. This is how the chat went down.
Mister Saturday Night:Many artists making dance music have chosen the computer as their medium for live performance, yet you’re one of the few that are notably exciting because of the way you play from one. What do you think is different about your approach to playing from a laptop? When you look at it, do you see an instrument?
Henrik Schwarz:I definitely see it as an instrument–and as a fellow musician. The problems with computers might be that they don’t make mistakes: they don’t groove, they don’t sweat, they don’t dance. But we do. The computer is in a way the opposite of what we are. It is a machine that does only one thing at a time. It is very structured. On the other hand it is a universal machine–you can turn it into anything you like. So as a computer musician you have the choice if you want to follow the structure that the computer gives you (many people do that), or you can try and work against a very structured, predictable behaviour towards a more open, free, human way of interacting with the machine. Continue reading “Making Laptops Fun: Henrik Schwarz”
We’ve got something special up our sleeves for this weekend. Every Mister Saturday Night is planned with the utmost care, of course, but this one is especially so. We’re moving the soundsystem into an intimate, homey loft in Brooklyn, a neighborhoody place where there are bouncy wood floors made for dancing, quiet nooks where you can hide and nice couches and chairs where you can hang. You can bring your own drinks if you’d like, or if you’d rather not think about that, we’ll have a full bar stocked–whatever your pleasure.
Eamon and Justin will be playing together the entire night, as Danny Wang’s been stranded under the volcano cloud in Europe, so it’s no guests, just the two residents stretching out for at least six hours…
The place where it’s happening is a secret, and you’ll have to RSVP to mister@mistersaturdaynight.com to find out the details. Feel free to pass the info on to friends, but please be discreet. This place is special, and we want to keep it that way.
Mister Saturday Night Takes Minneapolis
It’ll be nearly a month before we pop up again in New York, but if you’re in Minneapolis, here’s a little taste. Mister Saturday Night is headed to First Avenue on Saturday, April 3. Eamon and Justin are headlining the Midwest music institution’s main room–the very one in which Prince dedicated this one to his Dad. The party we’re playing is called Too Much Love (the brain child of our good friend Peter Lansky aka Soviet Panda), and Justin is playing his Sexy Dancer twelve inch no matter what anyone says.
Snow Day Questions For Floating Points
Baby, it’s cold outside. But that hasn’t cut off our internet connection yet, and we were very happy to see that we had some answers to interview questions from Mister Saturday Night’s weekend guest, Sam Shepherd aka Floating Points, in our inbox this morning. The young producer and DJ is packing his records and bags for his first ever trip to New York right now.
Keep warm, enjoy the interview, and cross your fingers that the blizzard will clear out in time for a safe and timely entry into our fair city (but still leave enough for a nice white blanket and some sledding). Continue reading “Snow Day Questions For Floating Points”