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New Mix from Wolf Music Matt

In case you didn’t know, we really love Wolf Music over here at the Mister. Lately Eamon’s been closing sets with The Dead Rose Music Company’s ‘Just A Bitter Love‘; we closed out our Allez Allez mix with KRL’s ‘I Wanna Be With You’, and we also included their most recent EP in our JunoPlus chart.

We are mildly obsessed. (At least I am.) So you could understand how happy we’d be that Matt, the gent who runs Wolf, has made a mix just for us. I can personally attest that it’s perfect for a morning listen or an end-of-day listen, but it’d probably suit you fine any old time.

Thanks much to Matt for the mix.  We hope (and we are pretty sure that) you will enjoy!

There’s a tracklisting after the jump if you want to trainspot.

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On The Way

Eamon and I have a biiiiiig order of records on the way (hopefully arriving in time for New Year’s Eve). The new Wolf Music EP, The Koze remixes of Caribou, and a great one from FCL are all in there; but the one we’re most excited about it the above Space Dimension Controller gem. Chances are you’ll hear it twice in a night. If you want to hear a couple more things, look beyond the jump.
Continue reading “On The Way”

Wolf Music Pops Out Another One

Yet another gem from Wolf Music just came out last week, this time with a killer cut from someone called Dead Rose Company. I cane two of Wolf’s last five releases at every single Mister Saturday – namely ‘Remember Donny’ and ‘I Wanna Be With You’ (the latter of which you can stream down below)  – and I own all the others. As soon as it arrives in the mail, this’ll move right into rotation as well.

I Wanna Be With You – KRL