Matbet giriş Matbet

Mr. And Ms. Saturday Night: February 11th

If you were partying with us at 12-turn-13 this past Saturday, we don’t need to tell you how brutally cold it was, especially on that roof. Well, despite the fact that their coats were still in coat check, and that their clothing was especially light, Mister Henry Andrew and Miss Devon were resilient and patient enough to spend a few chilly minutes with us on the roof. Thanks guys for freezing your butts off, so that we could take a minute to get to know you.

MSN: Where are you guys from?
Devon: I live in Brooklyn now, but I’m from Jacksonville, Florida.
Henry Andrew: I’m originally from San Diego. I’ve lived in NJ, and right now I’m in the Upper West Side.
MSN: And what do you do?
Henry Andrew: We dance!
Devon: I do graphic design mostly.
Henry Andrew: OH! You mean what we do, like, for our lives. I thought you meant here! I DANCE! We make other people dance, and they don’t like it! No no no – she graphic designs, and I’m a massage therapist.
MSN: Oh wow! You’re the second massage therapist that we’ve interviewed at these parties.
Henry Andrew: Well, find me the first and I bet I’ll know them!
Devon: Massage therapist – like “touchin’.”
Henry Andrew: Touchin’ people.

Continue reading “Mr. And Ms. Saturday Night: February 11th”

Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Photographing In Space

Despite the most freakish snowstorm we’ve ever seen, Apollo 12-turn-13 successfully launched into space. Luckily we had a couple documentarians aboard the shuttle to capture it all for the scientific record. There are fifteen more down below, but if you want the encyclopedic edition of photos, check the Facebook.

Photos 1, 9, 13 and 15 by Yasunori Matsuri.
Photos 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 14 by Marshall McDonald.
Photos 4 and  16 by Steve Rogenstein.