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Mr. Team Mister Saturday – Jeffrey Ralston

Jeffrey is the mastermind behind all of the dynamic and wonderfully whimsical lighting design that we set up for special occasions. Using the simplest materials, Jeffrey consistently innovates and astounds us with each passing party.

MSN: Where are you from originally, and how long have you been in New York?
Jeffrey: I was born in Atlanta, GA and spent my early childhood in Hartford, CT before moving back to Atlanta (just in time for puberty!). After high school, I moved to NYC in 1995 to attend Pratt Institute. I have lived here ever since.
MSN: How did you get into the lighting/design business?
Jeffrey: As a kid, I had this really big train set. I would imagine that  “shows” were coming to town, and construct these concert stage venues between the tracks and light them using flash lights, tin foils, and colored gels. This secretly went on for ages, until around 2009, I was working at a bar in the city where I was allowed to hang and play with lights within the space. It was there I met a lot of amazing artists, promoters, curators, etc.  whom all embraced what I was doing. Soon enough, I was asked to start doing lights and installations at parties and art institutions, and have been continuing this path since.
MSN: What are your inspirations as far as your own design preferences?                            Jeffrey: As you probably have guessed, I love! love! love! using plastic. The more I use this material, the more fascinating I find it. It is extremely versatile, and has this incredible ability to be transparent, opaque, glossy and reflective,  even textural and excessively abundant, all at the same time. I feel that I am inspired by the theme of the event that I am working for, and the challenges of figuring a way to make it all work together. It’s fun for me to discover new tricks using the same materials. 
MSN: When and how did you get started working with Justin and Eamon?
Jeffrey: I met Justin and Eamon thru my buddies at SPANK. Mister Saturday and SPANK collaborated on an event called “New York Just Like I Pictured It” where I did lights for. I believe after that first event, they asked if I could start doing lights/decor for them. I remember them saying to me “You are what we are missing” – and it still makes me smile.
MSN: What has been your most memorable gig, or one which you are most proud of?
Jeffrey: It’s funny, I feel like every time I do a major install for Mister Saturday, that it bumps all previous gigs out of first place. With that theory, I am really loving the last Mister 99 party.  I think it was using the height of the room that made it dramatic and interesting for me.
MSN: What are your hobbies, other jobs, interests, etc?
Jeffrey: Ice cream, doughnuts, gummy bears…I have a major sweet tooth.
MSN: Given your experience, in what direction would you like to see parties NYC head?
Jeffrey: Double rooms! I miss the days when you could jump from room to room and hear multiple DJ’s, and experience multiple environments at the same time. Maybe in today’s iWorld, we should figure a way to have virtual rooms. People need options and they need it fast!
MSN: Parting words to the Mister audience?
Jeffrey: Sorry to the girl that initially had the silver Mylar tube fall on your head [from the Mister 99 party]…I know it must have shocked you coming out of nowhere – but you rocked it! And thanks for all the support, everybody!  xo

Photo by Sean B

Mr. and Ms. Saturday Night: November 5th

At November 5th’s party at House Of Yes, the Mister once again went on the prowl to find Mr. and Ms. Saturday Night, a pair of folks hanging out and getting down. Without further ado, let us introduce to you… Carolyn and Kurt. Say hello to them at the next party. They are lovely people.

MSN: Where are you from, Kurt?
Kurt: I’m from Long Island, Floral Park. I was born in Coney Island, and then I moved out to Long Island. I think of how different I would be if I was raised in Coney Island.
MSN: How so?

Kurt: I probably wouldn’t be as open as I am now. I would probably be more thugged out, and totally hide… this [gestures to himself].
MSN: How do you know about these parties?

Kurt: I like to dance. I like to go out and dance. I’ve been doing this for a minute.
MSN: Have you been to other Mister Saturday Night parties?
Kurt: Yeah, pretty much since last year, but I’ve been in this scene forever. I’ve been going to Danger parties, Winkle and Balktick parties… and when I found out about them and went to them, I thought, “This is the shit!”
MSN: What do you like about Mister Saturday Night parties?
Kurt: Openness, freedom...
MSN: And where are you from, Carolyn?
Carolyn: I’m from Colorado. It’s the coolest state. I was born in Albany actually, and then I moved to Colorado. People who are from New York really have an air about them; it’s like a confidence, that you can just handle…I think it’s just being brought up in this environment, that you’re equipped to handle so much.
Kurt: True. I just wish that I was better able to understand what I possess. Sometimes I get really self-conscious of all this shit, when I shouldn’t! But you know, I just do.
Carolyn: Self-consciousness is such a weird thing, because every human being is so…when you really think about it, a human being is amazing…so beautiful! Like snowflakes, you know what I mean?
MSN: You’re right! Who’s anybody to judge anybody? So Carolyn, how did you find out about these parties?
Carolyn: Through my friend, Jesse, who’s a DJ, and my roomate. They heard about them and started going to them. They’re super fun. Actually, I think my roomate went to one, it was like a gay party…
MSN: The one they did with Spank? New York, Just Like I Pictured It?
Carolyn: Yeah! It was [that] party! And he had a blast.
MSN: What are your interests, passions, jobs?
Kurt: I’m studying to be a massage therapist.
Carolyn: I make my day job as a nanny – which I love, I love the kids. But I do theater here [at House of Yes]. I work for three families – one family I nanny for about twenty hours a week, the other family just three hours a week, and then one family I clean for. So I’m also a maid…
MSN: And where are these families?
Carolyn: All in Williamsburg. Which is the place to be if you’re a young family.
MSN: How old are the children?
Carolyn: Theo, who I’ve been with for about a year, is 16 months. And I witnessed his first steps. Ugh. It was incredible.

photo by Marshall McDonald

New York, How We Picture It

This Saturday, we’re back in force with our very good friends Spank and the ARTCorps for the second edition of ‘New York, Just Like I Pictured It’. If you missed the first one then you can learn a little more about what makes this collaboration so special and unique here and again here.

Details after the break

Continue reading “New York, How We Picture It”

Spank and MSN In The Main Room

Last week we posted a few pictures from the photobooth at New York, Just Like I Pictured It, the party we did with Spank on MLK weekend. Since then, we’ve found some pictures from the thick of the action, and we thought you’d like to see.
Continue reading “Spank and MSN In The Main Room”

From the Photo Booth: Just Like I Pictured It