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Roman Saturday, Mister Sunday

More double-header action comin’ at you this weekend. Saturday, we got Justin and Eamon joined by Roman Flügel at 12-turn-13, and then another lovely Sunday to round things off. This past Sunday was super special. There’s magic in the air with the sun going down a little earlier. Get your tickets for both events here, or RSVP to for reduced admission and good-to-know information.

Rigor Music

After several EPs with Harkin & Raney and a handful of edits released on wax via Wurst and Subway Series, Eamon’s first solo full production EP hits the shops this week on Throne of Blood. Roman Flugel and Brendon Moeller offer up remixes to the two original tracks – “Rigor Music” & “Electric Light”. You can have a listen below.

Looking Back On 2011: Eamon Harkin

1. Caribou – Caribou stepped onto the dance floor in 2011, and his arrival was most welcome, for it brought us a refreshingly musical and superbly produced set of 12 inch singles. His remixes for Virgo 4 and Junior Boys raised the bar and were the staples of many a Mister Saturday Night set this year. But it’s this remix of a rare African jam produced under his Daphni guise and released on his own Jialong imprint which was the stand out for me. I first heard this when he played for us back in March. It’s been in my bag ever since.

2. Four Tet – In a similar vein, Four Tet has leaned into dance music culture extending himself as a DJ and continuing to push forward with his own vinyl only 12 inch label: Text Records (strangely missing from most year end polls on best labels). Again the result is a breath of fresh air. We were extremely happy to have Kieran play the opening Mister Sunday this year (he’s back playing with us in February at 12-turn-13).
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