We find ourselves mentioning it every single time Stevie Wonder’s name comes up (which is often), and though there are over half a million views on this Youtube clip, we’re always surprised how few of the people we know have actually seen it. God, it’s amazing. We knew he was a great keyboard player, singer and songwriter… but to be able to play the drums like this?
Author: Justin Carter
Five Days Ago
August 15 was supposed to be the day that the robots were playing Yankee Stadium. And while Daft Punk didn’t end up in the Bronx that evening, they apparently were playing somewhere… We can’t figure out where it’s from, exactly, but the set below is purportedly from that date. At the very least, it does seem to be different than the (excellent) live recording from 2009; and no matter what, it’s ill.
[Stream via Beatbird. Thanks to Piotr Orlov for the tip-off.]
Ride On
Getting Excited
Just a little bit more than a week, and we’re headed back to 12-Turn-13 for our first loft party in almost a month. Here’s a little taste of what’s to come from our guest via a four-hour Theo Parrish mix. Unsurprisingly, the mix is being hosted by Bozman, whose site seems to be a compendium for every single Parrish mix ever leaked.
What’s Old Is NEU! Again
This evening, for the first time in thirty-five years, NEU!‘s music will be heard live by at least one of its creators. Though his co-founder, Klaus Dinger, passed away in 2008, Michael Rother, one of the ex-Kraftwerk musicians that started the seminal krautrock outfit, is performing the music of NEU! with Sonic Youth drummer, Steve Shelley; School of Seven Bells guitarist, Benjamin Curtis; and Tall Firs player Aaron Mullan. Though it surely won’t be the same as it was back then, we’re psyched it’s happening–especially in New York City. What a great place we live. All the details are here.