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Mr. And Ms. Mister Sunday: July 22nd

It’s nice to be able to finally meet people that you’ve seen time and time again, whether at a party or elsewhere. If you get anything from these little “interviews” that we conduct, it should be that approaching people like Stefany and Cesar is a good idea, because cool people are abound in life and at Mister Sunday – especially when the weather is as amazing as it was this past weekend.

MSN: Stefany, we’ve seen you at these parties a bunch of times. How did you start going to Mister Saturday or Mister Sunday?
Stefany: I believe Cesar was the one who brought me here for the first time, maybe about a year and a half ago? It was an evening, a Saturday Night party. Quick after that I came to a Sunday party and I realized that I really like day drinking better than night drinking, and it’s much easier to get home at 9pm as opposed to 4am. So I started going regularly ever since. Also, I feel like the crowd is always really relaxed and mature. A lot of parties can get very young and silly, and I’m kinda over that. That’s in the past for me.
MSN: What about you, Cesar?
Cesar: My sister was the one who told me about Mister Sunday. She was dating a DJ at the time – Drew Lustman, aka Falty DL – who I guess tipped her off to these parties. So about a year and a half ago, as soon as I found out about the idea of the party being outside, and at a place where the emphasis is on the music rather than anything else, I decided to come. That’s what brought me here and that’s why I’ve stuck with it.
MSN: Cool. Where are you guys from originally?
Stefany: I’m from Great Neck, Long Island. Now I live in Astoria, right by the beer garden.
Cesar: I grew up in Miami. I guess also for you guys growing up in New York, House music on the radio in the 90s was a big thing for me.
Stefany: Yeah, let’s talk about the music Justin and Eamon play!
MSN: Well, the guy we have on the first release, Anthony Naples, is also from Florida…
Cesar: Yeah, he’s from Broward!
MSN: OK, so you know. He mentioned at least one station that was big for dance music in Florida.
Cesar: Power 96.
Stefany: Hey, do you remember WKTU?
MSN: Oh yeah! [sings] One-oh three-five…K-T-U!
Cesar: Yeah, that was Power 96 for us. And they had a new mix, and it was all house and freestyle – T.K.A., and The KLF. Crazy shit.
Stefany: Hilarious. Remember 92.7? WLIR – Long Island Radio? Back in the mid-90s, that was really hot.
Cesar: It’s all music and stuff you can hold on to. I feel like with a lot of the DJ culture that is developing right now, there is a lot of ego in it, and that’s what I like about these guys. And you see it in the emails – they’re like, “Guys, there’s not much here to see. You’re here to dance, right?” and I appreciate that.
Stefany: Yeah, there’s no pretense at all. I think it’s the honesty and sincerity that keep people coming back.
MSN: And so what are you guys into other than music? Careers, hobbies?
Stefany: I’m a textile designer and a fashionista. I have a few hobbies – I take photographs, I paint – I like to play with different mediums. And I love vintage, and I go thrifting all the time. [Check out Stefany’s awesome website/blog Pretty In Thrift]
MSN: Since you’re in Astoria, do you ever go to the Salvation Army on 34th Avenue and Steinway Street?
Stefany: Yeah, I was just there yesterday, and not to brag, but I found a Valentino dress for $15 dollars.
MSN: And it should have been…
Stefany: Oh, I don’t know – 600, 800 dollars.
MSN: Wow! And Caesar, what about you? You live in the area?
Cesar: Yeah, I live down 3rd Street. I work for the city – I’m an attorney with a deep interest in the local arts, music and fiction writing scene. I’m reading this novel right now called The Sugar Frosted Nutsack by Mark Weiner. It’s outstanding. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to have a good laugh. You can get through it in three days, its pretty bananas. I generally like humor writing, and non-fiction humor, like David Sedaris. And who knows, maybe I’ll stick my hand into music contracts or artist contracts someday, to respond to the need that a lot of Brooklyn artists have right now.
MSN: Very cool, artists are definitely in need of proper representation. [As we are conducting this interview next to the merchandise table, a bird suddenly poops on one of our display t-shirts. Hard to follow that one up.] So, any parting words for the reading audience?
Stefany: Eamon and Justin rule!
Cesar: Yo, go get a sangria and dance!

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