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Mister Halloween Night: A Space Odyssey

It’s official. NASA did its final space shuttle launch in June of this year, so the Mister is answering the call of duty, grabbing the wheel and taking a trip to outer space for this year’s Mister Halloween Night. Our favorite loft, 12-turn-13, is being transformed into Apollo 12-turn-13 – a spaceship capable of traveling to distant planets in but a few hours.

Captains Eamon Harkin and Justin Carter will be piloting the ship all night, a large window into the cosmos has been designed by first mate Doctor Mojo (we call him Number One), and inflatable spaceship things will be installed by Jeffrey Ralston (we call him Data).

Astral outfits will be rewarded with an on-the-house drink. Think constellations, alien life forms (yes, that is a hint that we want you to dress up as ALF), astronauts and anything else that will make you feel at home in space. If you want some inspiration, check the trailers for Fifth Element, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Barbarella, Buck Rogers and Spaceballs. Remember that the more group costumes on the spaceship, the farther and faster it’ll travel (yes, that is a hint that we want to see the entire crew of the Enterprise onboard).

Boarding is at 10pm. Get there soon after. It would be a shame to miss liftoff.

Mister Halloween Night: A Space Odyssey
aboard Apollo 12-turn-13

Saturday October 29th / 10p boarding – 6am landing / Apollo 12-turn-13 will be docked at 172 Classon Ave between Park and Myrtle, Brooklyn / $15 in advance at / $15 before midnight with RSVP to / $20 otherwise / spacey costumes will be rewarded with a drink on the house

The Bad News and The Good News

The bad news: Luke Vibert, our guest on Saturday night, has had his visa delayed, so he won’t make it to the States this weekend.The good news is that he’s not been denied, just delayed, so it won’t be long before we can announce another date that he’ll join us. We’ll let you know as soon as that happens. The other good news is that the party will go on under the open skies at Brooklyn Fire Proof as planned, and it’ll be cheaper because we don’t have the extra expenses associated with having a guest, so you can still come get your Saturday Night dance on. We’ve also added a special projectionist to the night as well. His name is DoctorMojo.

To alleviate any confusion, all tickets purchased before our cancellation announcement will be refunded. If you still want to buy a ticket, they are up here, or you can just RSVP to for reduced admission before midnight, and we’ll see you down there!

Could there possibly be more good news? Yes. You can join us down at the Grove for Mister Sunday the next day as well, where 10% of all the proceeds from the door will go to Malaria No More, an organization aimed at wiping out malaria deaths in Africa by 2015. There’s a little bit more info about them down below.

We’ll see you this weekend… or next weekend, when we’re playing with Moodymann! The good news just doesn’t stop.