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Thanks Again

Andrew Nimmo, our good buddy (and graphic designer) made us a video showing the subtle progression of this summer’s flyers. The tree and shadow illustrations are by Ha Ly, and the music is a regular early afternoon Mister Sunday tune from Bobby McFerrin’s Circlesongs record.

Thank You

Screen shot 2013-09-09 at 11.31.49 AMWhat a night. What a summer. Thanks for everything. We’ll you soon.

Photo by Stefany Mohebban.

Hank Jackson – Deposit EP

Hank Jackson is from Southern California, but he calls Brooklyn home. A couple months ago, when we were stamping Alex Burkat’s record in the Mister office, we put these songs on. After we picked our eyeballs off the floor, we realized we were listening to more than just face-burning techno. There’s something about Hank’s music that seems to embody the conflict between youth and age, what it’s like to live in a society where the law can simultaneously and arbitrarily protect you or harm you. But maybe we just think too much.

No matter what, we’re happy to introduce Hank, and we’re happy to present you with MSN006, the Deposit EP. We hope you enjoy.

Looking Back on 2012: Justin Carter

It’s the end of 2012. It was a great year. Here are some things that made an impact on me. Not all necessarily of them are necessarily from this year, but this was the year that they entered my sphere.

Einstein on the Beach

I’ve had a subscription to BAM’s Next Wave Festival for ten years. Einstein on the Beach, Philip Glass and Robert Wilson’s 1976 opera, was the opener to this year’s festival, and it was by far the best thing I’ve ever seen at BAM and among the best experiences of music and performance that I’ve ever had. Continue reading “Looking Back on 2012: Justin Carter”

Unidentified Flying Mister

Ben UFO lands at 12-turn-13 to join Eamon and me for the next edition of The Mister. We love Ben. He runs the great Hessle Audio label alongside Pearson Sound and Pangaea; he is a stellar DJ; and he is a really nice guy. (Also, he has special bonus points for hosting us on his Rinse FM show back in May.)

Beer’s on the house from ten to eleven, and the late-night bagel bar gets rolled out at about four (the bagels are on the house, too). We think this one’s gonna be busy. (Surprise!) Buying tickets is a good idea.