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Next Up, Mister Saturday and Mister S

After a two-floored New Year’s Eve party and a collaboration with Spank, Mister Saturday Night heads back to the basics: one dancefloor, two residents, one guest and a real nice set of speakers. We love a big to-do, but simplicity is golden.

Our guest is none other than Omar S, who, making his third showing at MSN, will become our most frequent musical companion. It’s no wonder why we’ve asked him back as often as we have. In addition to consistently producing tracks that make their way into Justin and Eamon’s sets (note the two appearances on their NYE mix), he’s a phenomenal DJ, a master of dancefloor hypnosis.

This will also be the last time that Eamon and Justin play together in the home loft for a couple months. Justin’s headed off to Berlin for February, March and April (see the note at the bottom), and their only joint gigs for a while will be in Europe. That makes this a going-away party of sorts, and they’ll definitely be pulling out the stops to make it right.

Everything else that usually makes it special will be in effect as well, with a reasonably priced bar run by folks with a sweet demeanor, free beer from 10pm to 11pm, a door staff that’s genteel and a space that feels like home. It’s always good to be here.

Advance tickets are here. Party details are over in ‘Our Next Party’ section on your right.

note. To be clear, Justin’s not pulling an escape from New York/everything’s better in Berlin move… New York beats Berlin every Mister Saturday Night of the year as far as he’s concerned. It’s just a work thing.