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Mister Roller Disco

Eamon and Justin are playing this Thursday’s Boiler Room X Ray-Ban Roller Disco in Los Angeles with Danny Krivit, Nicky Siano, DJ Quik, ThundercatDāM-FunK and this guy.

The boys made a special Mister Roller Disco Mix to mark the occasion. Check it out!

Mister Boiler Room Episode 002

We’re very excited to tell you that the Mister Saturday Night Boiler Room Episode 002 is here. You can stream it above. This episode was filmed at Nowadays – our very first party there – and just like Episode 001, the focus is on the dancers. Just in case you’re interested in the songs being played, below is the tracklisting. Enjoy the show!

01. Todd Terry – Razen Theme
02. Four On The Floor – Your Mind Is So Crazy
03. Johnny D and Nicky P – Like Morning
04. Kerri Chandler – The Phone Call
05. Mr. G – My Sound
06. Roman Flugel – Sliced Africa
07. Nina Simone – SeeLine Woman (Einfach Mix)
08. General Ludd – Sunset Yellow
09. Atlus – Gum
10. Oni Ayhun/Rroxymore/Jaguar Woman/Aquarian Jugs – DR-1
11. Shamir – On The Regular
12. James Brown – There Was A Time (Ashley Beedle’s Edit)

Justin Carter: Six Hours From Mister Sunday in London, June 14th 2015

Six hours of Justin Carter’s solo DJ set at Mister Sunday in London on June 14, 2015. The mix is a perfect length for a drive from New York to DC, to fill up an entire workday (with a pause for a very long lunch), or for a slowly jogged marathon. Fun challenge: see if you can listen to the entire mix without going to bathroom. Justin told us he didn’t take any breaks for his whole set that day.

Recorded directly from an E&S DJR400 at Oval Space. Big thanks to Sam for lending it to us.

Eamon Harkin: Four Hours From Mister Sunday, June 14th 2015

Eamon Harkin recorded live at Industry City playing solo all day long whilst Justin Carter manned duties at Mister Sunday in London. As has become customary this is two recordings combined into one – one direct from the mixer and one from a microphone perched in a tree just off the dancefloor.

Eamon and Justin Live From Mister Sunday’s Outdoor Opener

Justin Carter and Eamon Harkin live at Industry City on the opening day of 2015’s outdoor Mister Sunday season, May 24th. This is two recordings combined into one – one direct from the mixer and one from a microphone perched in a tree just off the dancefloor. Enjoy!