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Hank Jackson – Deposit EP

Hank Jackson is from Southern California, but he calls Brooklyn home. A couple months ago, when we were stamping Alex Burkat’s record in the Mister office, we put these songs on. After we picked our eyeballs off the floor, we realized we were listening to more than just face-burning techno. There’s something about Hank’s music that seems to embody the conflict between youth and age, what it’s like to live in a society where the law can simultaneously and arbitrarily protect you or harm you. But maybe we just think too much.

No matter what, we’re happy to introduce Hank, and we’re happy to present you with MSN006, the Deposit EP. We hope you enjoy.

Dark Sky – The In Brackets EP

Dark Sky is a trio of musicians and producers from London. They’re the first non-Brooklyn artists on the label, and, funny story, when they first sent us music, we actually thought they were from Brooklyn. (Shows how much we know.) No matter where they’re from, they’re excellent, and the music they make has found itself perfectly at home on the Mister dancefloor. We’re not gonna bore you with any more words. Just listen to the title track in full above, or listen to clips from all the tracks on the EP below.

And if you  like it, you can buy the EP over at the Mister Saturday Night store.

Alex Burkat – The Shower Scene EP

Alex Burkat is a regular on the Mister Saturday Night dancefloor. Early one morning, after a night of dancing at 12-turn-13, he sent us ‘Shower Scene,’ a triumphant song full of strings and things. Eamon and Justin liked it so much that they decided to do their own version, a dreamier take on the original; and to complete the package, Alex added ‘Ammadomyownthing,’ a slamming, way-off-kilter monster of a track.

You can buy the EP over at the Mister Saturday Night store, and you can listen below.

Anthony Naples – The Moscato EP

The third release on the label and the second release by Anthony. Two tracks, both named ‘Moscato.’

You can buy the EP over at the Mister Saturday Night store, and you can listen below.

Archie Pelago – The Archie Pelago EP

This is the second release on the label, an EP by Archie Pelago, a Brooklyn-based band that’s played both the Mister Saturday Night and Mister Sunday parties. They’re a trio of players whose lighthearted name belies the seriousness of their music. Consisting of a classically trained cellist, a classically trained saxophone player and a live programmer/DJ, they make songs that work as well on dancefloors as they do in headphones. This EP lays out their strengths perfectly: Brown Oxford swings; Alice simmers; and Frederyck Swerl pulls on the heartstrings. Handstamped by the band and the Mister guys and pressed to 150-gram vinyl with love in Brooklyn.

You can buy the EP over at the Mister Saturday Night store, and you can listen below.