Matbet giriş Matbet

The Times They Are A Changin’

Hey there.

If you came down on Sunday, we hope you had a good time. We had a ball. The dancefloor sounded better than ever; the sunset was beautiful; the energy was amazing… and this song! Thank you!

There are a few things we’re working on for this week to make the party better, and we wanted to let you know about them.

1. TIME: The first and biggest change is timing. We’re starting the party at 3pm and going until 9pm (just like it used to be). It’ll give us an extra hour of party time overall, and it’ll help us make sure the door isn’t slammed from the moment we open.

2. TICKETS: If you were there this past Sunday, you know buying a ticket is a good idea. We had to close the doors to non-ticket holders early, and the line got long. This week we’re increasing our capacity to process ticket-holder and non-ticket holder lines, but advance tickets do get preference. If you purchase a ticket, there is a separate line on the 37th Street side of our entrance, and that line, though it may look long sometimes, will move quite quickly. The line for non-ticket holders is on the 36th Street side. You can get advance tickets here.

3. RSVPS: We’ve realized that our RSVP system doesn’t really work now. Because the line can create a situation where we’re not sure who’s arriving at what time, it gets confusing. We’re going to kill the RSVP system. The price will be $15 at the door, but do remember that there are always some $10 tickets available in advance. (They’re sold out for this Sunday but still available for all the subsequent weeks.)

4. BATHROOMS: We’re dedicating all the bathrooms in the 36th Street side of the space (to your left when you walk in the gates) to women. That means ten stalls that are solely dedicated to ladies. Boys, your bathrooms will be on the 37th Street side of the space (to your right when you walk in the gates).

5. DANCEFLOOR: We were surprised that even though our dancefloor is bigger than ever before, it still got crowded. Remember we don’t allow photos, calls, texts, tweets and any of that stuff on the dancefloor. We’ll have some staff members there to politely enforce that this week, so we can make sure that everyone on the dancefloor is focused on dancing.

If you were there and have any additional suggestions, please drop us a line at We really do want to know what you think.

Otherwise, we’re looking forward to getting back to it on Sunday. We’re psyched to be doing this every week again!!!

Thanks for hanging with us. We’ll see you Sunday.